About Blog & Bloggers:

With All I Am is a blog Prayson Daniel started to encourage young Christians to love God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. With all they are to know what they believe, how they believe and why they believe. With all I Am explores philosophical and theological topics with the aim of knowing more about God. We believe that the more you know the person and works of God, the more you will love and adore Him.

Lea + Prayson Daniel

Prayson Wilfred Daniel

Prayson is by grace, mercy, will and pleasure of God the Father, called and drawn to Christ Jesus, his Son. He is solely kept in the Son of God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, for the glory and majesty of the Triune God’s name and fame.

Prayson is a Tanzanian, married to a God treasuring Danish lady Lea. He and Lea are parents to two wonderful daughters, Eloise Madeleine & Nora Sofie. He is student of Theology (BTh) and Persuasive Technologies & Information Architecture (cand. MSc).Prayson’s greatest desire is to make others be glad in God through critical thinking.

The Cross of Christ is at the center of his marriage, ministries and passion. It is the power of God that enables him to enjoy and delight in Christ Jesus as Prayson make much of the Triune God.

Prayson is theologically reformed, holding the truth stance that is in line with Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Martine Luther, John Calvin and Jonathan Edwards. He writes articles that reflects his love of Reformed Theology, Apologetics, Philosophy of Religion and Church History. In Christ Alone” by Stuart Townend and Keith Getty tells all about his story.

Guest Contributors

Blog entries made by guest authors reflect their views and not necessarily the view of With All I Am.

Do you wish to give With All I Am a thank you gift? A Logos book(s) will do. See Prayson’s Wishlist.

107 thoughts on “About Blog & Bloggers:

  1. Pingback: Material wealth, Submission and Heaven on earth | From guestwriters

  2. Prayson Daniel, I have been reading a few of your posts and I have been enjoying your writing. I don’t always agree with you, but you have strong insights and I very much admire your openness to discussing other viewpoints. You probably don’t remember me, as we did not have direct contact, but I partook in a discussion in a blog of yours (in the comments section) a few years ago through my friend, Richard Gerard Evans (Catholic Boy Richard 2.0). We were discussing Matthew 16:18 and the identity of the rock. Well, long story short, I started a blog and that was the topic I first addressed. It happened to be on my mind because I had a conversation about it with some friends recently, and I had already done the research years ago so I had most of it on hand. Anyway, I just thought I would share it with you. Here it is: http://theologyrealityandthelogos.wordpress.com/ (and yes, it was a coincidence that I chose the same layout as you :))

  3. Hey Prayson, we share a lot of the same interests but you’re way ahead of me in training. I’m very interested doing academic study in Theology and Philosophy after my undergraduate studies. Just out of curiosity, where are you a student at? Thanks, and keep up all the good work. I’m enjoying your posts and they are a huge blessing to me! God bless.

    • Sorry for a late reply. I can assure you that it is you who is ahead of me in training. There is so much I do not know. I did BTh at Harvest Bible College and working my MSc at Aalborg University under Denmark leading Molinist philosopher Peter Øhrstrøm to whom I believe would also lead me to PhD works on God and Time.

  4. Wonderful heart Testimony Prayson full of passion and commitment and it is so True, the more we know God the more we Love Him , how do we know this is Truth because He tells us in Scripture (1Corinthians2:9-16) and with knowing His Truth through His wisdom in Christ Jesus, when we ask and received it ( James1:5 ) we have no doubts just how much He Loves us and we feel it in our heart too.

    Love and Joy for Christmas and the New Year
    from both of us Anne.

  5. I wanted to thank you for deciding to follow my blog. Looking over yours, although we have a basic disagreement on the existence of God, I find it interesting and thoughtful. Personally, I am more concerned about thought provoking and reasonable than I am with agreement. I enjoyed your site.

  6. Its interesting that you have In Christ Alone listed as a description of your story. I play that song so much to my daughter. It puts her in a great mood so quickly. She’s about 7 months old.

  7. Had to look up Molinist:). I attended a Sunday School class in college in which the teacher was going through Romans. Each week I would go home and study what he had covered in class. I had grown up in a Christian home and had studied my Bible from a young age, and yet I found myself asking my teacher, “How come I have never heard this before?” He smiled and said, “That’s an interesting question.” This man continued to teach me and to give me books to read, and to refer me to other like minded people. The more I learned the more I noticed God’s sovereignty on every page of scripture. Such amazing grace!

  8. This description of your life makes my heart sing, and raises a thousand questions. I am a missionary kid who grew up in Tanzania some 30 years ago. Because of this, it makes my heart sing to find a kindred spirit from my old home, that I still miss today, even though I have not touched that ground for more years than I care to count. I am also reformed in doctrine, something I came to understand in college, but experienced in East Africa before I knew the words to describe it. And I want to know how you came to embrace what I have learned to call “the doctrines of grace”. I lived in both Tukuyu, and Arusha between the years of 1968 and 1980. I dream of going back every time it rains.

    • I rejoice with you Deanna. I am from Arusha, a place called Sakina. I am moved to know your parents gave their heart sharing our Sovereign Lord in Tanzania.

      In a short version, I encountered the doctrines of grace in Bible College in Church Dogmatic class. My professor was a Molinist and explained how he admired Reformed tradition but could not embrace it because of freedom of will, particular redemption and assurance of elects issues. He admired the Sovereignty of God proclaimed by Reformed tradition. I knew whole Bible testified that God is sovereign over all. Within three years, I embraced the doctrines of grace. The gospel of John and the books of Romans sparked the first fire, the 5 books of Moses, the Prophets, and Epistles of Peter, John and Jude burned the whole forest of my Arminian Pentecostalism. I hope that answered a little 🙂

  9. As a follower of “A Way With Words”, you are invited to a domain warming party as I move to a new blog address. Click on this link –


    You’ll think you are in a parallel universe.

    While you are there, be sure to click the “Follow” button. Within the next week, I plan to publish exclusively from this site. Don’t miss out on any of the fun!

  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking “If Jesus is God,….” I look forward to exploring your blog. I hold to Reformed views on soteriology, but on some other “-ologies” have some differences. Sola Dei Gloria.

  11. Thanks for visiting my blog and liking one of my posts. My site is new and I am new to blogging, so thank for taking the time. I’m digging the topics you have on your site as well…and so now, you have another follower. Keep it up. Grace and Peace – John.

  12. Beautiful site! Thanks for visiting mine. I look forward to reading more of your work.

    Blessings and warm regards from the Philippines,

  13. Habari yako, Prayson? Nilienda ya Tanzania katika 2004. Nimesahau kiswahili maneno sana sana. Haha. Thanks for reading my blog. I hope you enjoy it. I’m glad to read of your interest in Reformed theology, apologetics and philosophy. Keep thinking hard!

  14. I like what you’re doing here–so much content, so nicely done. I hope some of the youth in your ministry are benefitting from what you’ve written! Thanks for dropping by my blog; may God continue to bless your ministry.

  15. I very much like what I have read of yours so far. Its good to be connected to a fellow Reformed Theology believer; I think you will find my articles on that subject interesting…when I get around to completing and posting them, that is!

  16. Habari yako, Prayson! Nilienda ya Tanzania katika 2004. My Swahili is rusty now, but it’s exciting to read of your Reformed influences. Thanks for following my blog, I hope you find it engaging. Cheers!

  17. Hello! Thank you for following both of my blogs! Your site looks great! I am interested in philosophy, apologetics, and theology as well. I don’t have a seminary background, but I love to read and study. I do have a philosophy background (somewhat rusty) from a university. I’m looking forward to reading some of your posts soon!

  18. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies. Ephesians 1…
    Thanks for visiting blog today. I have enjoyed visiting yours. Keep up the good work.

  19. Thanks for liking my blog on faith and life–I’ve enjoyed browsing your site also. I was pleased to notice the Believers Church Bible Commentary among your references. It’s published by Herald Press, which is the publisher of my next book. So even though I’m not reformed in theology, we have do have something in common through our Lord Jesus Christ. blessings to you!

  20. Prayson, thank you for the “like” at thebeggarsbakery.net for “Sign of the Fish”. I love your blog and Im following you now. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with the world, and God bless you and your family!

  21. Thanks for dropping into Followed By a Black Dog. I’m so happy to discover this amazing reformed blog right here on WordPress. Although I’ve been a Christian for some years, I’m new to reformed Christianity, just over 12 months, so your page is such a wealth of thought and information for me. I’m so pleased with the gentle and kind tone you take with those who leave challenging or aggressive comments. There is so little of that on the internet, even on Christian websites. Thanks so much.

  22. Hey there! Just wanted to thank you for subscribing to my blog and for reading some of my posts! You have some very interesting pieces I am definitely going to have to check out.
    Thanks again! Keep pressing on towards Christ!
    ~RuthAnne from Out of the Ordinary Dreamer

  23. I applaud what you are doing. Please keep it up. There are many who will debate you and never truly accept what your saying. But for every 100 who you cant touch.. there may be just one you can. Then its all worthwhile.

    • I discovered that God is God and sovereign over all. I am a vapor that is here today and gone tomorrow. We are the salt and the light of the world. In Christ, we are victorious. Those whom God call will surely come. I rejoice and delight with one out of a million whom God call through our writing for His own glory.

      Thank you so much Mrs Esoteric.

  24. Thanks for the “likes”. I appreciate everyone that is helping me get my blog going. I guess you know how tough it is the first 2 weeks. Thanks again, and you have a great analytical mind – enjoyed your posts.

  25. Thank you for liking my most recent post. You are a debater by what I’ve read so far; a debater and lover of the reformed truth – me, too, on loving reformed truth! I might not debate but I write about cancer and the “new” life cancer brings. I hope you were encouraged today to help those who need your support and love in a time of crisis. Blessings!
    Lakeside, MT

  26. i have got a question, and i need you to help me get the answer, i am a muslim and we belive that God cant have a wife, nor a parent, neither a child, i am just asking you to help me get informed about how christians(like you) prove that there is a possibility for God to have a child (have Jesus), plz just sen me an adress where i could find my answer

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