Can We Be Good Without God?

Is there Objective Morality? Is there Objective right and wrong? Can We Be Good Without God? Is Moral value a product of Evolution? How does Atheism answer these question?Answering this question help in find the correct worldview. Here is top Christian Apologist and Philosopher William Lane Craig unfolding these questions?

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Stroke With Awe: My Morning Mediation On Ephesians 1

By Prayson Daniel

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love he predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved. In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, which he lavished upon us, in all wisdom and insight making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth.

In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will, so that we who were the first to hope in Christ might be to the praise of his glory. In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory. (Ephesians 1:3-14 ESV)

Thinking That Leads To Praise:

Majesty of God

I am continuously stricken by the Majesty of God as I wrestle with Ephesian 1:3-14 for two weeks now. As I read and reread, write and rewrite and pray and mediated on these infinite awesome words of God, I am stricken by the breadth and length and height and depth, of the love of Tri-une God.

In love, God the Father chooses and adopt us in him through His Son, Christ Jesus before the creation of the world, that in His Son, we are holy and blameless in his sight according with his pleasure and will, to the praise of his glorious grace given to us in the redeeming blood of his Son, Christ Jesus whom the Father loves. God pours his Holy Spirit to all who are predestined in His Son, to protect and preserve until their inheritance as God the Father’s adopted “sons” meaning heirs both male and female in Christ Jesus, is acquired. Continue reading

3 Minutes, Does God Exist?

Dr. Kenneth “Ken” Boa is engaged in a life-ministry of relational evangelism and discipleship, teaching, writing, and speaking. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Case Institute of Technology , a Master of Theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary , a Doctorate from New York University , and a Doctor of Philosophy degree from the University of Oxford in England.

Historical Resurrection of Christ?

Nicholas Thomas “Tom” Wright (born 1 December 1948) is a leading New Testament scholar


D.D. (published work submitted, principally The New Testament and the People of God, The Climax of the Covenant and Jesus and the Victory of God)

D.Phil. (Thesis topic: ‘The Messiah and the People of God: A Study in Pauline Theology with Particular Reference to the Argument of the Epistle to the Romans’; supervisor: Prof. G.B. Caird)

(HD) Transcript:

“The resurrection of Jesus took everybody by surprise. The disciples werent expecting it. They knew perfectly well, that if you followed someone who you thought was the Messiah, and he got killed, then that was it.

We know at least a dozen other Messianic or prophetic movements, within a hundred years on either side of Jesus, they routinely ended with the death of the founder. And if the movement wanted to continue, they didnt say, oh hes been raised from the dead. They said, lets find his brother or cousin who can carry on this movement. You can see how those Jewish groups did that.

This one did it differently. They had James the brother of Jesus, as this great leader of the early church, but nobody said, James is the Messiah. They said, Jesus is the Messiah. Why? Hes dead. They got him, didnt you realize they crucified… No. He was raised from the dead.

The only way you can explain, why Christianity began, and why it took the very precise shape it was, is lets say it cautiously, first – they really did believe He was bodily raised from the dead. And then if you take the second question, why would they believe that? You can go through all the theories, that they found themselves forgiven.

They had a fresh sense of the presence of God. That this was cognitive dissonance, etc. Then you bring all those theories to the actual facts that we know on the ground in the first century. . .they just dont fit. The only way you can explain the rise of the early Christian belief that Jesus was raised, is that there really was an empty tomb. They really did meet Jesus again, in a transformed body.

And the thing makes sense. Of course, when I wrote a big book on this, my philosopher tutor from Oxford who was an atheist read it and he said, great book. You really make the argument. I simply choose to believe that there must be some other explanation even though I dont know what it was. I said, fine. Thats as far as I can take you. I cant bully you into saying, therefore you must believe. Because to do that requires a change of world view.But, once you change the world view, and say, maybe there really is a creator God. Maybe this creator God, really is sorting out this sad old world at last. Then, everything else makes sense in a way that it doesnt with any other possibility.”

Refuting Attis Myth Parallelism To Christianity

By Prayson Daniel

Is Christianity A Copy-Cat of Attis Myth?

“Attis was born of a virgin on December 25.¹ … was Crucified. ² … was resurrected after three days.³”

The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold by Acharya S(Ms. Murdock) is a book to which the youtube popular movie Zeigeist based, which argues that Christ Jesus story is just another myth of dying and rising gods. Is that true?

Some Atheist and Ex-Christian endorsed Achary S work of Christianity being the greatest mythical story ever sold. Is there truth in it?

“Ms. Murdock is one of only a tiny number of scholars with the richly diverse academic background (and the necessary courage) to adequately address the question of whether Jesus Christ truly existed as a walking-talking figure in first-century Palestine.” —David Mills, Atheist Universe

The Christ Conspiracy – very, very scholarly and wholly researched – is a book for today…” —Rev. B. Strauss, ex-Catholic Priest, Chicago, IL

Is Acharya S correct? Is Christ Jesus another Attis? Let us examine…

Checking Truthfulness of Attis

In Refuting Mithra Myth Parallelism To Christianity article I pointed out that Christ Jesus been born on 25th December and Three Kings visiting story are not Biblical or Historical supported and it was not until over 300 years later after the rise of Christianity, was the birth of Jesus pinned to 25th December. To the Three kings, historical document record of no three Kings visiting at the birth but magi(wise men from the East) to which there number is unknown.

Is Attis born of a Virgin?

Attis’ Mother, Nana; Naiad Nymph

Nana was a Naiad Nymph of the Phrgyian River Saggarios. She was accidentally impregnated by an almond which fell into her lap from a tree which had from the genitals of Agdistis.(Source: Pausanias, Guide to Greece – Greek Geography C2nd AD)

“The gods, fearing Agdistis, cut off the male organ. There grew up from it an almond-tree with its fruit ripe, and a daughter of the river Sangarios, they say, took the fruit and laid it in her bosom, when it at once disappeared, but she was with child. A boy [Attis] was born, and exposed, but was tended by a he-goat.” – Pausanias, Guide to Greece 7.17.8

Attis born by Nana impregnated by an almond fallen from a tree that was germinated from the severed genitals of Agdistis (Pausanias 7.17.8) Continue reading

Glorifying God On Your Birthday

By Prayson Daniel


remember the former things of old;
for I am God, and there is no other;
I am God, and there is none like me,
declaring the end from the beginning
and from ancient times things not yet done,
saying, ‘My counsel shall stand,
and I will accomplish all my purpose,’
calling a bird of prey from the east,
the man of my counsel from a far country.
I have spoken, and I will bring it to pass;
I have purposed, and I will do it.
(Isaiah 46:9-11 ESV)

He declare the end from the beginning, I praise Him,
He accomplish all His purpose, I praise Him
He speaks and it comes to pass, I praise Him
He drew me to Christ before the beginning, I praise Him
He keeps me in Christ for His purpose, I praise Him
He makes me live, love, long for Him, I praise Him

May I live to know nothing else than Christ and Him crucified
As The Father hallows His name and I joy in Him.

Refuting Mithras Myth Parallelism To Christianity

By Prayson Daniel

Is Christianity A Copy-Cat of Mithraism?

Nothing in Christianity is original. The pre-Christian God Mithras—called the Son of God and the Light of the World—was born on December 25, died, was buried in a rock tomb, and then resurrected in three days.”( The Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown 2003, p. 232)

Christianity, claimed by some of its critics, is a copy-cat of Mithraism because the idea of Born of a virgin, born on the 25th of December, born in a stable with shepherds present(or visiting of three Kings), twelve disciples, killed and buried in a tomb/cave to which he rose from the dead three days are borrowed from Mithraism.

A lay Christian who has little knowledge in Philosophical, Theological and Historical Foundation of Christianity would be trouble by such claims. Why so?

Some of Christian Critics Play With Christians’ Ignorance

We are in a period that is influenced by popular entertainment media of every kind, from blogs, movies, TV, and so on. Some of these entertainment medias feed us with false information that are often absorb without critical reasoning or checking their truthfulness. Continue reading